Although the majority of our church members are Norwegian, we are quite an international community of members from various of countries! Our Church services are therefore translated into English through headsets by demand. If you contact the technical desk at the back of the church at your arrival, you will be given a headset.

Every Sabbath:
10 am – Sabbath school
11:15 am – Church service

We also have a variety of activities throughout the week or on a regular basis:
Pathfinders: Approximately every two weeks
Teens group: Every two weeks on Saturday evenings
Young adults: Saturday evenings once a month
ADRA: Ingathering every fall and other activities throughout the year
Meeting for elderly people: Tuesdays once a month
«Vennelaget»: A small group for adults open for everyone – Saturdays once a month
Vegetarian cooking club: Thursdays once a month
Sewing club: Thursdays once a month

Not all these activities take place in the church building. Some take place in Stavanger Seventh-day Adventist Church, and some take place in homes and on other venues.

Contact our pastor for more information. We also have online prayer groups, which our pastor can help you into.

Velkommen til vår kirke
Camilla Gustafsson

Pastor i praksis

Tlf. +47 468 37 813

Arne Bredesen - pastor
Arne Bredesen


Mobil: +47 954 99 392